About us

We care about our teeth, we enjoy cherishing them, and we love nature. So, what’s better for nature-loving tooth fairies than developing a locally manufactured, environmentally friendly wooden toothbrush? 

But first and foremost, we wanted to focus on creating something sustainable. To make an everyday item that everybody uses, or at least should use, environmentally friendly and donate a part of the proceeds.

We made our dream come true with Liebwerk.

Our Story

Who are you and where do you come from?

We are Lars, Alem and Letizia, and we all live in beautiful Switzerland.


Originally, we have very different backgrounds, which couldn’t be further away from a toothbrush. Lars is an engineer, Alem is a lawyer and Letizia also studied law and works in a family office. As amateurs in the toothbrush business, we simply wanted to improve our own toothbrushing experience and the one of others.

How did you three find each other?

Lars and Alem have been married since 2014 and Alem and Letizia have found each other at university, they became friends at first sight!

We all have our very different hobbies and preferences. Alem loves listening to classical music and visiting Zurich Opera, Lars enjoys to run riot in the Circle Pit and Letizia loves salsa dancing and traveling.

What unites us is our curiosity, our passion for nature and our entrepreneurial spirit. But what we really have in common is that our hearts beat as one for Liebwerk.

How was the idea of Liebwerk born?

We have always found the idea of plastic-free and ecological daily products fascinating. In summer 2017, we saw an advertising for products made of bamboo for the first time. Bamboo is a great renewable resource, a robust, fast-growing grass that does not need pesticides or fertilizers. It looked like the perfect alternative to plastic. That’s how the idea was born. We wanted to produce a daily product in a more ecological way, using bamboo instead of conventional plastic.

And what could be a more daily companion than the good old toothbrush?

Everyone brushes their teeth every day, or should at least. An average person uses between four to six toothbrushes a year. Therefore, replacing the handle with a biodegradable material saves tons of plastic that would otherwise end up in oceans and landfills.

It took a long time until we found a small factory that could produce our bamboo toothbrushes. And when we finally found one, we were happy to produce our first toothbrushes made of bamboo!

They were perfect except for one thing: they were produced in China, where the moso bamboo grows. This meant long transport routes to Europe and the associated CO2 emissions.

We questioned the real ecological benefit of this outsourced production and started looking for local alternatives. In 2018, we found a Swiss factory that was able to produce toothbrushes made of local Swiss beech wood for us. We were very excited to switch to a more ecological version of our beloved product and to produce locally from local renewable resources.

At this time Letizia joined the Liebwerk team. As an ecological enthusiast with great ideas and speaking three Swiss national languages, she is a perfect fit for Liebwerk.

Since then Lars is responsible for production, Alem takes care of our marketing and Letizia is the sales representative – and of course, we all equally carry the Liebwerk spirit.

Our name “Liebwerk” stands for “Working with love” and “Created with love”. We give our best energy in the development and production of ecological products and put all our love into Liebwerk! 😉

What binds you to nature?

Nature loves us above all! In Switzerland, it offers us the most wonderful gifts – imposing mountains, crystal-clear lakes and stunning forests.
We, too, love nature and wish us, you and the coming generations that in future we will have a chance to enjoy it as much as we do it now.
That is why we focus on ecological products and plastic-free alternatives.

And we know there is always something more we could do. We donate 5% of our proceeds to the Rainforest project of WWF Switzerland. We believe that WWF, with its roots worldwide, knows exactly where support is needed the most and provides it in the right way.

How does the future look like for Liebwerk?

We are always looking for new ideas – innovative ecological solutions, materials and products. We believe that nowadays there is no “either…or” between ecological and high-quality options – great sustainable goods became reality!

We simply want to make this option available – the option of natural and sustainable alternatives to traditional daily products that make you smile and feel good.